BioWare hat heute einen Patch für die Xbox 360-Version von Mass Effect 2 veröffentlicht, der neben einigen Fehlerkorrekturen auch das Planetenscanning verbessert haben soll.
Hier die Patchnotes im Ganzen:
- Scanning for minerals has been optimized
- Fixed an issue with marking all entries as viewed in the Journal
- Fixed an issue relating to text and the menu screen
- Fixed an issue relating to players starting a new game and loading a save
- Fixed multiple issues when loading a save containing DLC when DLC isn't present
- Fixed an issue with ammo flashing when it can't be picked up
- Fixed an issue with crosshairs
- Fixed an issue with Grunt's Fortification power
- Fixed an issue with enemies and cover
- Fixed an issue where players could receive additional talent points
- Fixed an issue where squad members would overwrite ammo powers the player had assigned them
Ein Patch für die PC-Version ist ebenfalls in Arbeit.